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DS56 | How The Rich Uses Taxes to Stay Rich | Craig Cody

Craig Cody is a Certified Tax Coach, Certified Public Accountant, Business Owner and Former New York City Police Officer with 17 years experience on the Force. In addition to being a Certified Public Accountant for the past 15 years, he is also a Certified Tax Coach. As a Certified Tax Coach, Craig belongs to a select group of tax practitioners throughout the country who undergo extensive training and continued education on various tax planning techniques and strategies

to become, as well as remain, certified. With this organization, Craig has co- authored an Amazon best seller book, Secrets of a Tax-Free Life.

Contact Craig:

Content mentioned: Never Lose a Customer Again: Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days by Joey Coleman

DS55 | This million dollar idea gives a Airbnb run for its money, WhyHotel | Jason Fudin

Like many entrepreneurs, our story begins with annoying children. Of course, we’re talking about ourselves - Jason, from Albany, NY, and Bao from Richmond, VA. For those who know us, it’s no surprise that we were both classic ‘why’ kids… as in “Mommy, why do dogs have fur? Why do we do it that way? Why this? Why that?” You get the picture. Formal apologies to our parents are forthcoming. We were both brought up in neighborhoods full of other young families. Weekends were spent with dozens of people, neighbors and family alike, telling stories over food and drinks while the ‘why’ kids we’re busy puzzling over new and improved ways to create havoc in someone’s yard. Needless to say, it led us both to a deep appreciation of community. That love of community set us both independently on the path to real estate development where we could build high-rises that would have a positive lasting impact on our neighborhoods and create financial upside for investors.

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Content mentioned:

Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson

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DS54 | Learn how this tool can help you secure millions in commercial loans for your deals | John Matheson

John Matheson is the CEO of Commercial Loan Success, a soware and education platform designed to help small business owners and property investors make more informed financing decisions. Using the Commercial Loan Success loan analysis soware platform, commercial borrowers and commercial lenders are able to communicate more eectively, and borrowers are able to approach commercial lenders more confidently, already knowing that their transactions are lendable. Through Commercial Loan Success, John hopes to provide the resources and educational materials that small business owners, entrepreneurs, and real estate investors can use to confidently obtain financing and grow their businesses profitably, all without being at the mercy of the predatory lenders.

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Content mentioned: Think and Grow Rich

Link for Dwellisteners

DS53 | Started at 19yr old living in a garage to millions of dollars wholesaling 500 deals| Austin Zaback

Austin Zaback went from a guy living in his grandparents garage to making millions of dollars in Real Estate by the age of 22. He started with no money, no confidence, no connections, and no mentors, but he did have one thing -- a Dream. And it was this dream that led him to being at the TOP of his game in one of the most competitive markets. Since then he’s been able to make millions of dollars, surround himself with some of the most influential marketers on the planet, make friends with fortune 500 CEO's, and mentor hundreds and hundreds of students, leading them all to massive success. And he’s been able to do all of these things because he was able to unlock certain secrets that catapulted him from one level to the next... And that's what he wants to teach you.

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Content mentioned: How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

DS52 | Pumping up your mindset to be successful in real estate | Suraj Sodha

Suraj Sodha (@SurajSodha) - an International Speaker who over the years has delivered workshops, seminars and speeches for a variety of age groups all around the world. His topics includes his inspiring journey in the world of entrepreneurship, business growth and mindset.

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Contact Suraj Instagram: @SurajSodha

Content mentioned The Go-Giver, Expanded Edition: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch

DS51 | Learn about Blockchain + Real Estate | Joseph Snyder

A serial entrepreneur, Joe has successfully initiated, built, scaled, acquired, merged, and exited multiple companies over the last 15 years. Stemming from a childhood fascination with business and finance, Joe’s experiences in real estate investment, financial services and digital strategy are the foundation of the structure and ideas outlined in our business plan.

Contact Joseph:

Content mentioned: The Obstacle is the Way - Ryan Holiday

DS49 | Learn how this Canadian is raising million dollars in the U.S. | Omar Khan

Omar is responsible for capital raising, strategic planning and investor relations. He has over 10 years of global investment experience. He has participated in capital financing and M&A transactions valued at $3.7 billion. He is a CFA Charterholder and graduated with honors from the University of Toronto with a B.Com in Finance. Omar moved from Canada and lives in Texas with his wife and newborn son.

Contact Omar

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

DS48 | How John is crushing it and shows you how he makes 150k per month | John Lee Dumas

John Lee Dumas is the Founder and Host of EOFire, a top-ranked, daily podcast featuring interviews with today's most inspiring and successful entrepreneurs. John & EOFire have been featured in Forbes, TIME and Inc. Magazine.

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Content Mentioned Lost and Founder: A Painfully Honest Field Guide to the Startup World Hardcover – April 24, 2018 by Rand Fishkin

HOLA Ola! | The Dwellynn Show Financial Freedom Through Real Estate is ONE! Learning Real Estate 101 for free

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DS47 | His journey from ONE duplex to controlling $18M in real estate holdings | John Casmon

John Casmon is the co-founder of Casmon Capital Group, a Chicago-based real estate investment firm. He controls over $18M in real estate holdings. As a marketing executive, he held budget and campaign accountability for General Motors, MillerCoors, and SC Johnson and was named one of the “Top Executives in Advertising and Marketing” by Black Enterprise Magazine. He serves on the Surge for Water Advisory Board and is the co-founder of Claudia’s House, an adolescent respite care facility.

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Content mentioned: Burn Zones: Playing Life's Bad Hands by Jorge P. Newbery

DS46 | How he is investing in real estate with no money down | Chris Prefontaine

Chris is the Best Selling author of Real Estate on your terms - Create continuous cash flow now, without using your cash or credit. He is also founder of and

Chris has been in real estate for 25+ years. His experience includes the construction of over 100+ single family and duplex homes (mostly 1990’s and selectively to date), has owned a Realty Executives Franchise (Massachusetts 1994-2000) as broker / owner which maintained high per agent standards and eventually sold to Coldwell Banker in 2000. The 2000’s included coaching 1⁄2 million and higher realtors in order to scale & automate their business throughout US and Canada. He also participated (and still selectively to date) in doing condo conversions (multi family homes to condos) and “raise the roof” projects (converting single family ranches to colonials in growth neighborhoods).

Chris has been a big advocate of constant education and participates regularly in high end mastermind groups and consulting with private mentors. He runs his own buying and selling businesses with his family team. Those entities participate in their own deals and complete between 2-5 properties monthly so they’re in the trenches every single week. They also help clients do the same thing around the Country.

Chris and his family/team have done over 80 million in real estate transactions. They mentor, coach, consult and actually partner with students around the Country (by application only) to do exactly what they do.

Contact Chris:

Content mentioned: The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers by Ben Horowitz

DS45 | She is living the life on the beach thanks to Real Estate Investing | Ali Boone

Ali loves to buy real estate. Her degree is in aerospace engineering. Turns out, she's not really an engineer. She rows competitively and has authored a published conference paper . Camping, outdoors, the beach, and sunshine make Ali very happy. Ali would rather work 100 hours in a week on my her schedule than 40 on someone else’s. She fly airplanes. Ali is from Atlanta and Miami, but now live in Los Angeles. She has been trying to learn Spanish since she was 10.

Contact Ali:

Content mentioned:

The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael Gerber

DS44 | How he makes $10,000 every month from his 35 rentals | Anton Ivanov

Anton is an entrepreneur, software engineer and real estate investor from San Diego, CA. He and his wifeown 35 rentals in San Diego, Kansas City, Birmingham and Atlanta. They purchased 4 of them turnkey. Besides being an active buy and hold investor, Anton is passionate about using technology to revolutionize the way real estate investors analyze deals. As a result, he founded DealCheck - the leading real estate analysis software for quickly analyzing and comparing rental properties, flips and commercial buildings. It features in-depth property analysis tools, income & profit projections, downloadable PDF reports, reverse valuation calculators and an investor-friendly lender directory. DealCheck is available on the web, iOS and Android and is used by over 28,500 real estate investors and agents worldwide. Try it today for free: Web:

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Content mentioned: The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Tim Ferris

DS43 | He didn’t even know he was House Hacking and now he has grown his portfolio in just 2 YEARS! | Dan Shelhamer

Dan is a 28 year old self motivated individual who is extremely determined to learn & succeed in Real Estate Investing. He bought hisprimary home at 24, and house hacked it with a friend, my brother, and my fiancé. That quickly got him thinking "I need to replicate this as many times as possible!" Now, Dan is looking to gain financial freedom & help other's along the way!

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BiggerPocket profile: Facebook profile:

Content mentioned:

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

DS42 | From sending mailers out, creating a RE StartUp to almost 50 units | Ryan Dossey

Ryan Dossey—full-time Real Estate Investor, Licensed Broker, and Founder of CallPorter. Whether you’re only hunting for deals on the weekends, or you’re managing projects around the clock, we all have this one problem: Trying to return every phone call is impossible. And this is an issue, especially if you want to start making more money in real estate. Because the truth is, if you don’t have a trusted partner handling your inbound calls, you’ll continue leaving tens-of-thousands of dollars on the table each month in missed opportunities. The problem many investors make is outsourcing their calls to an untrained assistant with zero REI knowledge! Plus, hiring a full-time employee to handle your calls is expensive—both in terms of your time and money.

Contact Ryan:

Instagram: @ryancdossey

Content mentioned:

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

DS41 | A 150 million journey of amazing success and epic failures | Nathan Tabor

Nathan Tabor has built a life helping others and improving lives. Throughout his own life and experiences, Nathan has acquired an incredible ability to solve problems, develop game plans, and create real and lasting results in both his personal and professional life. He has successfully founded and operated more than two dozen businesses since 1999, grossing over $150 million in sales. His experience spans the areas of commercial real estate acquisition and redevelopment, automobile sales, direct product sales, web-based marketing, and strategic partnership facilitation.

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Apartment Flipping Experience • 26 Properties Flipped in 9 years • Grossed over $52 million in sales • Raised over $1 million from investors • Consulted on deals worth over $200 million

He’s had amazing successes and epic failures, and learned more from his failures than his successes. After years of struggling to keep all of the balls in the air, he learned that there are laws and processes that, when implemented, will deliver the desired results.

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Content mentioned: Download Nathan's book: Proverbs Chapter in the Bible

DS40 | Rock Jimmy Choos, Wear LV, or Buy Real Estate? | Brie Schmidt

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Brie started her career in corporate sales in 2005 and acquired her first investment property in 2011. She continued to work in corporate sales until 2014 when she left the industry to become a full time real estate investor. Brie is the Managing Broker of Second City Real Estate, a full service brokerage working with new investors and seasoned investors looking to expand their knowledge of the industry and their portfolio.

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Content mentioned: Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity Paperback David Allen

DS39 | She has mastered the art of LIFT-flipping homes and buying apartments | Pili Yarusi

Pilialoha Yarusi is better known as Pili (Pee-Lee). Pili is originally from Hawaii and has also lived in California and New York before settling in New Jersey. After years working in the arts, managing restaurants, running bars and owning a berry farm … Four years ago Pili decided to dive into Real Estate. After getting her license in 2013 she has not stopped! Her passion is taking old, rundown, flooded, moldy, fire ravaged, termite eaten, over grown, under appreciated homes and turning them in to homes that deserve a good family. She finds the worst homes and gives them a heart again. She and Jason have two beautiful children and two awesome bulldogs. Pili has her NJ Real Estate License.

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Content mentioned: Never split the difference\

DS38 | How he went owning single family rentals to reaching 800 units worth 50 million | James Kandasamy

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James has over 5 years of experience in real estate with more than 3 years in multifamily acquisitions and asset management. Expertise in finding value in Multifamily opportunities. Identified, underwrote and oversaw the acquisition process of over $25m of quality multifamily investments (3 Assets). Ran the execution of each business plan in the portfolio. Average IRR in portfolio more than 20%

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Content Mentioned The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

DS37 | Want to learn how to take down a 94-unit deal? | Jason Yarusi

Jason Yarusi is a Real Estate Entrepreneur, Speaker, Mentor, and Podcaster. Jason lives in New Jersey with his beautiful wife, Pilialoha. He has two lovely children, Luke and Lily, and two English Bulldogs, Jack and Jill. While living in New York and Europe over the last 15 years Jason has started a number of successful businesses beyond real estate, including a brewery.

Jason and Pili are the hosts of the REI Foundation Podcast. This podcast is a platform to serve and help real estate investors take massive action through learning from the steps and missteps many industry pros have taken along the way. Yarusi Holdings LLC is a home solutions company that flips homes and operates beach side AirBNBs locally in New Jersey. The multifamily division, Oak Capital Partners, focuses on acquisitions of larger assets in the Midwest and Southeast, and currently controls over 100 units.

Contact Jason

Content mentioned: Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Finding Your Message, Building a Tribe, and Changing the World by Russell Brunson:

The REI Foundation podcast: