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DS 215 |How to Make Your First Million| Andrew Abernathey

Mr. Abernathey is the Founder & CEO of Abernathey Holding Co. (management company). Mr. Abernathey began his investing career at the age of 13, investing in a variety of public securities and achieved an annual growth rate of 171.44% for 3 years. Since the beginning, Mr. Abernathey has been deeply interested in Warren Buffett’s value investing approach.

Prior to beginning his investment career in full earnest, Mr. Abernathey always had a deep interest in business. This passion was exhibited by Mr. Abernathey with the commencement of other business operations. Mr. Abernathey, alongside his brother, founded Abernathey Brothers Farm, which is in the business of planting, growing, and harvesting thousands of acres of small grains to then sell in the open market. The operations have quickly grown into multiple locations in Lansford and Bottineau North Dakota. Mr. Abernathey believes Mr. Buffett’s quote “One is a better businessman because he is an investor, and a better investor because he is a businessman.”

Mr. Abernathey launched AHC’s first value oriented investment partnership in August of 2012. AHC’s first investment partnership was inspired by the original 1950’s Warren Buffett partnership. Since inception, the investment partnerships have achieved market-beating returns for its investors/partners and has grown its assets under management.

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Contact: Andrew Abernathey https://abernatheyholdingco.com/

Content mentioned: The 38 Letters from J.D. Rockefeller to his son: Perspectives, Ideology, and Wisdom

https://www.amazon.com/Letters-J-D-Rockefeller-his-son/dp/B09BY8189Q/ref=sr_1_1?crid=28TSYL9OEAOK1&keywords=38+letters+from+rockefeller+to+his+son&qid=1638314542&s=books&sprefix=38+le%2Cstripbooks%2C229&sr=1-1 Follow Ola [www.instagram.com/oladantis]

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